John Morton
For many, employee benefit elections for 2024 are just around the corner, and it’s important to know what you’re getting into before making any decisions. There will also be higher 2024 maximum contribution limits for workplace retirement plans. To take advantage of that, it may require you to change your contribution rate(s). We are here to help you navigate these decisions with confidence and peace of mind.
Many employers are focused on cost management in this economic environment. Since health benefit costs are expected to jump 5.4% this year, you may see a change towards a high deductible health care plan. This could mean higher out-of-pocket costs despite a lower monthly premium, so let us help you understand the difference compared to regular health insurance. As Brittany wrote about last month, enrolling in a high deductible plan could give you access to a Health Savings Account (HSA) – a fantastic long-term, tax-advantaged growth vehicle.
- The HSA annual contribution limit in 2024 for self-only coverage is rising to $4,150 from $3,850 in 2023. The cap for family plans is jumping to $8,300 from $7,750. The catch-up contribution remains at $1,000 per spouse aged 50+.
There are typically other benefits offered by employers too, including voluntary life insurance benefits. This gives you the option to get additional life insurance without any health underwriting. However, it’s usually more costly than traditional term insurance. We don’t sell insurance but will help you navigate the options. We’ve helped some clients optimize their workplace and private policy mix, saving thousands of dollars in annual premiums. It is one example of many where we’re able to help optimize the additional benefits you’re offered.
Finally, 401(k) and 403(b) contribution maximums for 2024 will be announced next month and it’s widely expected that the maximum will increase to $23,000 from $22,500. Like HSA accounts, retirement plans allow catch-up contributions for those aged 50+. As we wrote about in January, the SECURE Act 2.0 required “high wage earners” – defined as those making $145,000 or more – to only make catch-up contributions with post-tax dollars.
- Last month, the IRS announced a two-year delay to enable employers more time to add Roth 401(k) features to their plan. So, starting in 2026, high wage earners will need to contribute their $7,500 catch-up to their Roth 401(k). Your employer plan should handle this for you automatically.
We will advise you to make pre-tax, after-tax, or Roth contributions based on what makes sense for your tax situation. If your compensation has changed, it may also make sense to adjust your contribution rate.
Employee benefit elections for 2024 can be a complex process that requires careful consideration of many different factors. We can help you understand what’s available and guide you towards the best decision for your family.