2024 Tax Law Changes

As the saying goes, nothing in this life is certain besides death and taxes. My version would be edited to include AND tax law updates! This year is no exception. Many of 2024’s changes were enacted through various pieces of prior legislation including the Secure Act 1.0 and Secure Act 2.0. Below, I’ll review a few of the changes that definitely caught my eye. I’ve also included a chart of a few important numbers to know. 

Inherited IRA accounts may be subject to Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) this year!

What: After years of uncertainty, this is the first year that the IRS is requiring non-eligible beneficiaries who inherited an IRA account after December 2019 to possibly be subject to RMDS. If the original account owner was subject to RMDs before their death, you as the heir may be required to take annual RMDs along with the requirement to empty the account within 10 years after inheriting. I recommend discussing this complicated matter further with your financial professionals as it has many moving parts.

Why you should care: The penalty for not taking a RMD is 25%!

Updates to the clean energy tax credit for electric cars.

What: The Clean Energy Tax Credit has been updated so electric cars with an MRSP of less than $55,000 and Vans/SUVS of less than $80,000 are now eligible. This removes the manufacturing limitations previously in place making GM, Toyota, and Tesla EVs eligible. However, there is a new income limitation to claim the credit of $300,000 MFJ (and $150,000 Single). New to 2024, you may transfer your tax credit to the dealer to receive an immediate price reduction rather than waiting to file your tax return.

Why you should care: You may get an immediate $7,500 off the purchase price from the dealer, but if your income is too high you are required to repay this on your tax return!

Updates to the energy efficient home improvement tax credit.

What: Updates to your home that are energy efficient such as central air conditioners, water heaters, furnaces and water boilers allow a credit of 30% of costs up to $600 for each item, with a yearly limit of $1,200 for this category.

Why you should care: This credit had a previous $500 lifetime maximum which is now completely reset. This means you can now be eligible for this tax credit again each year. Happy shopping!

You may be able to roll left over 529 account dollars to a Roth IRA.

What: If you have excess funds left over in a 529 college savings account, you may be able to roll these dollars into a Roth IRA account tax free for the named beneficiary. There are several rules surrounding this including: the account must have been open for at least 15 years, the beneficiary must have earned income to be eligible to make an IRA contribution in that year, the annual rollover amount is limited to the maximum Roth IRA contribution for that year, contributions & earnings must have been contributed more than 5 years ago to be rolled over, and there is a lifetime maximum of $35,000 per beneficiary. There are still many questions on this that we expect the IRS to clarify, mainly: does updating beneficiaries of the 529 reset the 15-year clock?

Why you should care: The income limitations of Roth IRA contributions do not apply to this transfer meaning high earning individuals listed as a beneficiary of a 529 would be eligible!

Catch up contributions made to employer retirement accounts are required to be made as Roth contributions for high earners beginning in 2026.

What: Defined contribution retirement plans are permitted to allow participants over the age of 50 or older to make additional “catch-up” contributions to their accounts ($7,500 in 2024). Currently these catch-up provisions are allowed to be made on a pre-tax basis. Starting in 2026, individuals who earn over $145,000 will be required to make these catch-up contributions as Roth contributions.

Why you should care: This change was originally set to begin in 2024 but is now being pushed back to 2026. When this does take effect, it will remove the tax savings of the additional pre-tax contributions made and therefore you may owe additional taxes if this applies to you.

Penalty free emergency withdrawals allowed from employer retirement accounts.

What: The Secure Act 2.0 allows IRA owners and retirement plan participants to process an “emergency personal expense distribution” up to $1,000 with no 10% penalty if under age 59.5. You are allowed to repay these distributions over a three-year period if you self-certify you had an unforeseeable or immediate financial need relating to a personal or family expense.

Why you should care: This may be a way to tap into your employer account to fulfill an unexpected expense instead of using a credit card or loan.

A new retirement savings lost and found website!

What: The Secure Act 2.0 directs the Department of Labor to create an online searchable database for individuals and their beneficiaries to locate missing employer benefits/accounts by 12/29/2024. More details to come.

Why you should care: This will allow all individuals to search for lost retirement accounts and hopefully recover those dollars!

Numbers to Know:

IRA and Roth IRA Contribution Limits$7,000 ($8,000 for ages 50+)$6,500 ($7,500 for ages 50+)
401(k), 403(b), 457 Contribution Limit$23,000 ($30,500 for ages 50+)$22,500 ($30,000 for ages 50+)
Health Savings Account Maximum Contributions$4,150 Single $8,300 Family (extra $1,000 for ages 55+)$3,850 Single $7,750 Family (extra $1,000 for ages 55+)
Flexible Spending Account$3,200$3,050
Annual Gifting Limit$18,000$17,000
Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment3.2%8.7%
Required Minimum Distribution AgeAge 73 for those born on or after January 1, 1951 Age 75 for those born after 196072

The above is a quick highlight of a few of the changes taking place in 2024. If you have any questions on the 2024 tax laws or your specific tax situation, please reach out to your Boardwalk advisor.

Should Expert Predictions and the Financial Media Guide Your Investment Decisions?


As great of a year 2023 was for investors, it’s even more notable how much better than expected the year turned out. We dig a little deeper into how the past few years have fared compared to expert predictions.
The commentary below proves expert predictions are probably better described as guesses. Basing your investment strategy on what the media says could get you into trouble.


2023 was an amazing year for investors, even though no one expected it! Rewinding to one year ago, investors were still in the doldrums after a horrible 2022 that saw both stocks and bonds decline by double digits. On the docket for 2023 was a year full of interest rate hikes, inflation pressures, wars, and – so we all thought – a recession. As a result, many investors were content to accept a (finally!) decent return on cash and just wait out the year. The Wall Street Journal summed it up well: “Almost no one thought 2023 would be a blockbuster year for stocks. They could hardly have been more wrong.”

Despite what the investment strategists, economists, and media pundits may say, it will be very difficult to correctly predict how the economy and your investments will perform in 2024. Even if someone predicts accurately in one area – say, geopolitical risks or corporate profits or consumer strength – how the market reacts and moves during a year is so complicated that few, if any, can be right enough to make a profit off it on a consistent basis. Because not only does someone have to address data outcomes or event-specific risks, but that investor would also need to predict how human behavior reacts to that myriad of interwoven factors.

The last four years are a great string of examples for this.


  • What was predicted: Well, we’ll give everyone a “pass” for 2020.
  • What happened: A global pandemic, of course. In investing we call these “black swan” events – world-changing events that no one predicts but inevitably surface occasionally.
  • How markets performed: Despite a historic crash in the spring of 2020, everything did quite well to end the year. The S&P500 return was 18.4% for the calendar year.
  • Verdict: No one predicted the violent crash nor the rapid recovery in 2020.


  • What was predicted: A continued economic recovery, but still pretty average market returns. On the high end, some predicted double-digit returns but there were just as many experts forecasting a flat stock market.
  • What happened: Despite persistent effects from the virus, the US economy surged back to life as consumers just shifted where they spent money and companies adapted. Inflation was the “consequence” from combining a robust, stimulus-fueled recovery with supply chain issues, but during 2021 it still hadn’t hit full swing yet.
  • How markets performed: The S&P 500 hit 70 new all-time highs on its way to a monster 28.7% gain.
  • Verdict: At this point the pandemic still wasn’t behind us. So, it’s understandable how few anticipated the “V-shaped” economic recovery, and none nailed just how stellar market returns would be.


  • What was predicted: Maybe it was the rose-colored glasses of 2021 since, despite high valuations and a telegraphed set of Federal Reserve rate hikes to combat inflation, forecasters said markets would be up.
  • What happened: Interest rates surged at the fastest pace in decades and US inflation peaked at 9.1% in June. The economy still managed to grow about 2%, but there was widespread pessimism.
  • How markets performed: The S&P 500 posted its worst year since 2008 (-18.1%) and bonds had their worst year ever (the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate Index fell over 13%). Areas with the highest valuations and best 2021 returns fell the most in 2022: technology companies, “meme stocks,” cryptocurrencies, etc.
  • Verdict: Another miss!


  • What was predicted: 85% of economists in a Financial Times poll expected a US recession in 2023 and the IMF said that a third of the global economy would be in recession along with the United States. And it wasn’t just economists and rap artist CardiB…we all figured it would happen in 2023.
  • What happened: Not only did the US avoid a recession, but the global economy managed better than expected on average. Few would have also predicted a banking crisis, a government debt showdown, or Artificial Intelligence mania to fill the year.
  • How markets performed: It was a banner year for stocks (S&P 500 up 26.3%), and everything did well in the 4th quarter rally.
  • Verdict: No doom and gloom. And even for the optimists, investment returns exceeded all forecasts.

It’s clear that relying on future forecasts would have been a dangerous investment strategy over the last four years. Fear and greed, the opposing sides that encompass much of human investing behavior, influenced investors to be overly cautious heading out of the covid crash and 2022 declines but also overly confident after 2021’s rally. Just imagine the difference in portfolio return had you heeded the collective advice of the prognosticators vs. sticking with a disciplined investment strategy!

Poor predictions aren’t just a post-covid phenomenon (2020 onward). A piece by the New York Times looked at a 24-year time period: 2000 through 2023. Rather than just giving a “verdict” as I did above, they measured the difference between the median forecast and actual returns of the S&P 500. For example, in 2022 a median forecasted rise of 3.9% was wrong by a margin of ~24% given the S&P 500’s 18% fall. So, how far “off” is Wall Street each year?

“…the median Wall Street forecast from 2000 through 2023 missed its target by an average 13.8 percentage points annually…”

Talk about a wide margin of error! If your advisor, YouTuber, or CNBC host is touting their market prediction abilities, the evidence is clear: they just got lucky and that will be very, very difficult to repeat consistently. Despite ever increasing and timely data, market transparency, and better understanding of investor behavior, reliably forecasting the stock market remains elusive. In that light, a humble and disciplined approach to investing is best.

At Boardwalk, we help clients pick a portfolio that’s right for them and that they can stick with during rough times – this strategic approach is the proven winner in investing over the long run. Tactical investing (zigging and zagging amongst assets) results in poor investment outcomes on average. Instead of trying to identify how the market is wrong, we seek to harness the enduring relationship between risk and return by emphasizing the risks the market has rewarded consistently and persistently for long-term investors. Then, we go the extra mile to make sure that the things we can control – like tax efficiency, rebalancing, or getting excess cash to work –remain the focus to enhance wealth creation over time.

Our clients share that they enjoy peace of mind knowing their low-cost, diversified portfolio is designed to meet their long-term goals and promote financial security. Without knowing what’s in store for 2024, we hope these truths can provide you with confidence for the years ahead, no matter what they bring.

Ten Tips on Trusts

What is a trust?

A trust is a legal instrument to hold and control assets. Anyone with assets – not just the wealthy – should consider creating a trust to use during life, known as an “inter vivos” or revocable living trust. This trust would hold assets during someone’s life for his or her use, and then direct who inherits the assets too. Alternatively, someone could consider including a provision in their will to create a trust after death, known as a testamentary trust. There are other types of trusts as well, all with unique purposes, but all trusts are useful for determining how and when beneficiaries receive or have access to assets.

What is a trustee?

A trustee holds the legal title of and administers the affairs of a trust. If a living trust is created, the trustee and the grantor (trust creator) are the same person. The trust creator has simply placed their assets inside a trust for benefits such as privacy, outlining beneficiaries, and estate tax minimization, among other reasons. He or she can amend or revoke the trust while alive. If someone is incapacitated, has passed away, or set up an irrevocable trust, the trustee is a separate person or organization that holds a fiduciary responsibility to carry out the trust creator’s wishes and directing trust income or trust assets to the beneficiaries of the trust. When a trust is created, these trustees are identified.

Tip #1: Always have successor (back-up) trustees in your trust document. Additionally, know that organizations such as banks can serve as corporate trustees, but having a friend or family member as a successor trustee(s) will help reduce costs and retain more assets for the beneficiaries.

What are some benefits to having a trust?

As stated previously, a frequent attraction is having control over assets after death. For example, a trust could hold assets for a beneficiary until they are a certain age. As another example, a trust could place restrictions on distributions (like for a second marriage or a spendthrift child).

Tip #2: Another estate planning document, a “last will and testament” (usually referred to as “a will”), directs who receives assets but does not allow any control over those assets.

Trusts can also help protect an heir’s inheritance against creditors or divorce. Most states, like our neighbor Illinois, are common law states and in the event of a divorce, the assets are split equitably (not necessarily equally). Wisconsin is a community property state, where marital assets are considered to be jointed owned and thus split equally. In both cases, inherited assets are typically excluded if proper steps are followed.

Tip #3: Passing along assets to children in a properly structured trust makes it more likely that those assets are safeguarded in the event of a later divorce.

For larger estates, an estate plan with the right pieces can help pass more wealth onto the next generation. There is a 40% federal top tax rate on estates above the exemption amount (currently about $26M for a married couple but that is scheduled to cut in half starting January 1, 2026). Each state is different – Wisconsin does not have an estate tax but Illinois imposes a tax on an individuals’ estate above $4M.

Tip #4: You can’t avoid the tax man. But there are legals rules and structures that can allow for greater wealth transfer to future generations. We’ve helped clients structure their estate plan with an attorney to help reduce their expected estate taxes by six- and seven-digit figures.

Minors cannot receive assets as a beneficiary of a will, retirement account, or insurance policy, so setting up a trust to hold assets until a child can legally access the funds is the best route to avoid a probate court getting involved.

Tip #5: A trust should be used when minors are the estate’s beneficiaries.

Wait, what’s probate?

When someone dies, a court reviews that deceased person’s assets and estate planning documentation, like a will, to determine who inherits those assets. With attorneys and courts involved, this process will take time and can be very expensive. At a minimum, it’s likely to cost $5,000-10,000 but complexities could easily multiply that cost several times over.

Tip #6: While a comprehensive estate plan, including trust documents, can cost more than $3,000 there are many benefits for the family, including saving on legal fees during probate!

How can probate be avoided?

If done correctly, a revocable trust and proper estate plan can reduce or eliminate an estate’s interactions with probate court. A major downside to just having a will, even if a testamentary trust is written into the document, is that pesky court proceeding called probate still must occur. Eventually, the probate court would fund the trust with a deceased person’s assets, but that can be a lengthy and expensive process as mentioned earlier.

Tip #7: It usually makes sense to invest in setting up a living trust along with a will. Having a will (even with a testamentary trust) does not avoid probate.

Along with a revocable living trust document, there are several other “areas” to button up in order to have assets pass to the desired heirs and avoid the costly probate process. Here a list to consider:

  • Beneficiaries on life insurance and retirement plans
  • Pay-on-death (POD) beneficiaries
  • Transfer-on-death (TOD) beneficiaries
  • Jointly owned property
  • Power-of-attorney documents

Regarding these beneficiaries, titling, and documents, here are two other tips:

Tip #8: The first four items transcend a trust or will document. That’s right: that hastily filled out beneficiary form for your first job’s retirement plan would dictate who receives those assets if the money was left there. If you’ve made changes to your will and trust beneficiaries, don’t forget to update everything else too.

Tip #9: If you’re incapacitated, a trust document isn’t helpful for assets not owned or governed by the trust. In the event of incapacity, a power-of-attorney document would outline who is responsible for making financial decisions for non-trust assets. Without that document, the next of kin and courts would determine who carries that responsibility.

Boardwalk Financial Strategies is highly involved in all aspects of our clients’ financial situations. A comprehensive estate plan and proper implementation gives our clients peace of mind and helps align their values, goals, and wealth. We help with our clients work with an estate planning attorney to create the right instruments and periodically review them.

Tip #10: Having an estate plan isn’t enough. It must be properly implemented. We help our clients “button up” their insurance policies, retirement accounts, bank accounts, investment accounts, real estate, privately owned businesses, and other assets so that their wishes are followed, the right beneficiaries receive assets, and their family saves money by reducing or avoiding probate.

At Boardwalk Financial Strategies, we are a team of advisors with strong estate planning backgrounds. This allows us to build comprehensive financial plans for our clients that serve them beyond their own lives. If you would like to learn more about our comprehensive wealth management services, please contact us today.

Get the Most Out of Your Employee Benefits

For many, employee benefit elections for 2024 are just around the corner, and it’s important to know what you’re getting into before making any decisions. There will also be higher 2024 maximum contribution limits for workplace retirement plans. To take advantage of that, it may require you to change your contribution rate(s). We are here to help you navigate these decisions with confidence and peace of mind.

Many employers are focused on cost management in this economic environment. Since health benefit costs are expected to jump 5.4% this year, you may see a change towards a high deductible health care plan. This could mean higher out-of-pocket costs despite a lower monthly premium, so let us help you understand the difference compared to regular health insurance. As Brittany wrote about last month, enrolling in a high deductible plan could give you access to a Health Savings Account (HSA) – a fantastic long-term, tax-advantaged growth vehicle.

      • The HSA annual contribution limit in 2024 for self-only coverage is rising to $4,150 from $3,850 in 2023. The cap for family plans is jumping to $8,300 from $7,750. The catch-up contribution remains at $1,000 per spouse aged 50+.

    There are typically other benefits offered by employers too, including voluntary life insurance benefits. This gives you the option to get additional life insurance without any health underwriting. However, it’s usually more costly than traditional term insurance. We don’t sell insurance but will help you navigate the options. We’ve helped some clients optimize their workplace and private policy mix, saving thousands of dollars in annual premiums. It is one example of many where we’re able to help optimize the additional benefits you’re offered.

    Finally, 401(k) and 403(b) contribution maximums for 2024 will be announced next month and it’s widely expected that the maximum will increase to $23,000 from $22,500. Like HSA accounts, retirement plans allow catch-up contributions for those aged 50+. As we wrote about in January, the SECURE Act 2.0 required “high wage earners” – defined as those making $145,000 or more – to only make catch-up contributions with post-tax dollars.

        • Last month, the IRS announced a two-year delay to enable employers more time to add Roth 401(k) features to their plan. So, starting in 2026, high wage earners will need to contribute their $7,500 catch-up to their Roth 401(k).  Your employer plan should handle this for you automatically.

      We will advise you to make pre-tax, after-tax, or Roth contributions based on what makes sense for your tax situation. If your compensation has changed, it may also make sense to adjust your contribution rate.

      Employee benefit elections for 2024 can be a complex process that requires careful consideration of many different factors. We can help you understand what’s available and guide you towards the best decision for your family.

      HSA? More Like HS-YAY!

      Picture of Brittany Falkner

      Brittany Falkner

      Wealth Manager

      Health Savings Accounts, otherwise known as HSAs or (HS “yay”s if you are a tax nerd like me) are one of the most underutilized account types that I have seen in practice. While these accounts are only available to individuals with high-deductible health plans, I often see clients completely missing the benefits that these accounts can provide. Below, we’ll go over why you should love these accounts and some best practices to make the most of these tax-advantaged accounts.

      What is an HSA?

      Health Savings Accounts let you set aside money on a pre-tax basis with all withdrawals being tax-free when used for qualified medical expenses .1 This means you can direct a portion of your wages toward this account and never pay tax on these dollars (assuming all withdrawals are for qualified medical expenses). When invested, the growth within the account is also tax-free! There are no other savings vehicles that have such glorious tax benefits, which makes HSAs known as triple tax-advantaged (money goes in tax free, grows tax free, and can come out tax free). To put the cherry on top, these accounts have no income limits, so high income earners are eligible to contribute (many other savings options have income limits, such as an IRA contribution).

      You are eligible to contribute to a health savings account if you are enrolled in a high deductible health plan. For 2023, you have a high deductible health plan (HDHP) if your deductible is at least $1,500 single ($3,000 family) and your maximum out-of-pocket is no more than $7,500 single ($15,000 family). If that is true, you are eligible to contribute $3,850 if insured under single coverage ($7,750 family) to an HSA account. If you are over the age of 55, you may contribute an additional $1,000 per year. As a friendly reminder, unfortunately you are not eligible to contribute to an HSA once you are on Medicare.

      Be sure to tell your tax preparer about any contribution you make and keep all medical receipts in your records. You may use this account to pay for qualified medical expenses for yourself, your spouse, and any dependent you claim on your tax return.

      Best Practices & Hot Tips for HSAs  

      The secret sauce to fully utilizing this tax haven of an account would be to contribute the maximum you can each year, invest the dollars, and to let the account grow until retirement or later. Most retirees are hit with the largest healthcare expenses later in life and that is when this account can really come in handy. By delaying the use of these funds, you are also maximizing the amount of tax-free investment growth! If you have been thinking of this account as a medical checking account you aren’t wrong, but I would encourage you to view this account as a retirement savings vehicle that has great tax advantages.  

      Another hot tip to consider is that there is no time limit for reimbursing yourself for medical expenses. This means if you save your medical receipts throughout the years, you can reimburse yourself from your HSA account at any future point for past expenses, tax-free. To do so, you will need to keep meticulous records, ensure you were enrolled in a HDHP in the year the expense occurred, and ensure you did not claim a medical deduction for that expense on your tax return. If you are concerned about passing away with this pot of money, the good news is that HSA accounts allow for beneficiary designations. If you pass this account to your spouse after your death, your spouse will receive the same tax benefits, tax-free growth and withdrawals when used for medical.

      To ensure you are maximizing this account, you will want to pay close attention to the HSA contribution limits each year. The contribution limits increase with inflation each year with the most recent increase being an astonishing 7% for 2024. For 2024, the contribution limits increase to $4,150 single ($8,300 family). Further, once you and your spouse are both over the age of 55, you are each eligible to contribute the additional $1,000 contribution. To keep the IRS happy, each spouse would need their own HSA account and the additional $1,000 would need to be deposited into their respective accounts. This provides a fantastic opportunity to super fund these accounts for those nearing retirement.

      Lastly, you are eligible to contribute to an HSA account until April 15th of the following year for the current year, assuming you had a HDHP for the entirety of the previous year. This could come in handy if you forgot to max out the account, if you need additional tax savings on your return, or for additional tax planning purposes.

      Final Thoughts

      At Boardwalk Financial Strategies, we are a team of advisors with extensive tax backgrounds. This allows us to build comprehensive financial plans for our clients utilizing the above tax saving strategy and more. If you would like to learn more about our comprehensive wealth management services, please contact us today.

      1 To see the full list of qualified medical expenses, please see the IRS Publication 502.

      Three Tips for Your Home, Auto, and Umbrella Insurance

      When was the last time you reviewed your auto, home, and umbrella insurance policies? If you haven’t done so recently, it might be prudent to revisit your coverages. For example: when it comes to homeowner’s insurance, you’ll want to make sure that your replacement cost is updated to reflect today’s higher housing prices and construction costs (and all those pandemic updates you made on your home)! Let’s dive a bit more into what replacement coverage means for you and two other quick tips.

      Replacement cost coverage:

      If your home needs to be partially or fully repaired or rebuilt due to a covered event, the insurance company will pay up to the replacement cost within the policy. It doesn’t matter if the shingles are 10 years old or the porch is brand new, insurance companies will replace your home or home components without considering depreciation. So, it matters what your home would currently cost to rebuild – recently we’ve seen many policies have inadequate coverage because housing costs have risen. We recommend you revisit this with your insurance broker or agent.

      When you do, we recommend that you pay attention to how the policy defines replacement. Standard replacement cost replaces your home with fixtures, materials, and function as close as possible to what it’s like now. Functional replacement cost will build you a new home, but it may not be the same value – you’ll save on premiums, but the insurer will only replace your damaged property with something that functions the same way. Guaranteed replacement cost is a step up from the standard: just in case your home actually ends up costing more to rebuild than the policy states, your insurance company will foot the bill. There’s more to these differences, of course, so we suggest you discuss the coverage details with your agent.

      Personal property coverage:

      Everything from the clothes in your closet to the artwork on the wall and the new couch you just bought falls under the category of personal property within your homeowner’s insurance policy. You’ll want to make sure you have a conservative coverage amount relative to what you think everything is worth (prices aren’t exactly the same as they were even a few years ago). Your insurance company usually caps how much they’ll pay for certain items, like jewelry or valuable artwork, so you may need to list those as personal articles.

      If you ever needed to file a claim, here’s one way to know what you owned: each year we suggest that you walk through your home, videoing. Pan over rooms, open drawers, and add commentary as necessary. This will make your side of the claims process way easier than trying to remember things after a very stressful loss. It’s also much faster than categorizing everything you own now on a written list.

      Uninsured (and underinsured) motorist coverage:

      If you’re in a car accident, this endorsement (extra add-on) will kick in to pay for your bodily injury expenses or vehicle damages if the other driver didn’t have insurance (or had inadequate insurance). Wisconsin requires uninsured motorist coverage (at least $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident) but some states do not. We not only recommend it on your auto policy but would also recommend adding it to your umbrella (personal liability) policy.

      This endorsement will step in for expenses beyond the underlying auto policy limits. Your medical insurance could be adequate for some scenarios, but the umbrella policy endorsement would provide other benefits that health insurance won’t, such as lost wages or payments for pain & suffering. The cost for this endorsement is usually an extra $100-200 per $1M of umbrella coverage and we recommend at least getting a quote to see whether that’s worth the peace of mind.

      We hope you found these tips helpful. We don’t sell insurance, but we’re happy to work with our clients’ brokers and agents to find what’s right for their situation. At Boardwalk, property and casualty insurance is reviewed for our clients every two years – even if nothing obvious has changed. Whether it’s saving on insurance premiums, helping update coverages, or just confirming that everything looks good, our clients have peace of mind knowing they are well protected.

      The Debt Ceiling is a Drag – Here is What You Need to Know

      So, what’s up with the debt ceiling? All this partisan politicking is dragging us down! Let’s highlight the 5 most important pieces you need to know and our advice on what to do with your portfolio.


      The US actually hit the debt ceiling in January! Since then, the US Treasury has used various cash and debt management techniques to continue paying obligations while staying under the debt limit.

      • After lighter-than-expected tax receipts were accounted for, the latest projection by the US Treasury shows that resources to maintain all obligations could run out as early as June 1st.
      • After that point, payments may be delayed or stopped for benefits to veterans, senior citizens (Social Security and Medicare), taxpayer refunds, etc. and it’s possible that debt can’t be repaid on time or in full (known as default).


      Without a resolution in advance, it’s highly likely that debtholders will be prioritized. Any available funds would first go towards repayment of maturing debt obligations for several reasons:

      • There’s no political hierarchy involved with this choice by the Treasury. (For instance, choosing to issue payments for veterans’ benefits instead of Medicare obligations.)
      • Everyone in government would be motivated to quickly resolve the problem because everyone has constituents that will be affected.
      • Avoiding default is a top priority for maintaining financial stability.


      Default would have a lasting, negative impact on the economy.

      • At a time when high inflation and interest rates are already dampening consumer and business sentiment, a default would further undermine confidence. Economic growth would take a hit.
      • Within a matter of weeks after default (mid- or late-June), experts estimate that a tenth of economic activity would stop, 6 million jobs could be lost, and the stock market would fall by one-third.
      • US debt would have a credit rating downgrade, which last occurred in 2011 with a corresponding debt ceiling crisis. There could be “a permanent increase in the cost of funding U.S. federal debt,” says David Kelly, chief global strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Management.
      • The global financial system depends on the stability of the dollar as the world’s dominant reserve and trade currency. Things would quickly become destabilized if confidence in the dollar drops. Over the last decade in particular, “de-dollarization” has been a common reprise. Despite this, global trade and currency reserves are still dominated by the US dollar. Up and coming alternatives, like the Chinese yuan, don’t have a deep and liquid market. Additionally, other countries often have just as many political issues and uncertainties as the US. A US default would still play into the de-dollarization theme: it would elevate concerns for the world’s reliance on the US dollar and jeopardize America’s place as a global leader.


      It’s almost certain that debtholders will still be paid on a delayed basis. In other words, it would be a default in terms of timing but not eventual repayment.

      • In addition to full repayment, it’s very likely that there is additional compensation for debt that isn’t repaid on the maturity date.
      • This already takes place when securities mature on, for example, the last of the month and it happens that the maturity date is a weekend day. The standing practice is to repay the debt on the nearest business day afterward with extra interest for the additional days held.


      The debt ceiling showdown has become a routine occurrence, so there is clearly a serious issue with our government’s spending and revenue mismatch that must be resolved. Annual deficits have persisted over the last two decades regardless of which party controls Congress or the presidency.

      • Eventually, there could be changes to fix the underlying problem: higher taxes or spending cuts.
      • With a divided government, those arduous changes are less likely than swiftly kicking the can down the road. Many predict that the debt ceiling will be suspended until the next fiscal year (starting Oct. 1) or next election year.

      For investors, it is important to understand that stock and bond prices reflect the current probability of various scenarios heading into June 1st and, importantly, will continue to be volatile as new information is quickly factored into prices.  Rather than attempting to time the market or predict an outcome, we advise staying invested in your carefully constructed, globally diversified investment portfolio that has been structured for your personal financial goals and risk tolerance.

      We would be happy to offer more insights and analysis about the debt ceiling if you are interested in learning more. We’re also here to review your portfolio mix any time your personal circumstances may warrant a change.

      Headline Concerns vs Market Returns

      Both stocks and bonds started off 2023 with a continuation of the strong rally that began late last year. Most would not have expected this result after recalling the headlines from this quarter, but it’s not uncommon for markets to climb a wall of worry. Since markets are forward looking, the positive longer-term outlook for assets means that investment prices tend to follow a cycle of reacting to negative news, recovering, and then climbing higher. Despite a pandemic, wars, historic inflation, and recession fears over the last three years, US stocks are still up over 18% per year during that time (as measured by the broad Russell 3000 index). At Boardwalk, we believe that better investing experiences happen by aligning individual goals and risk tolerances to a globally diversified portfolio, and then focusing on long-term financial wellbeing rather than short-term market volatility.

      Banking Panic of 2023

      Interest rates continued to move higher in early 2023 and the Federal Reserve (Fed) indicated that it was not planning to stop raising rates until price and wage inflation showed meaningful progress toward their targets. Inflation is trending downward, but side-effects of the Fed’s rapid rate increases were put on stark display when Silicon Valley Bank dramatically collapsed on Friday, March 10. This bank and a few others had severe liquidity and risk management issues but, unfortunately, the broader financial sector has also been negatively impacted. In short: the cost of attracting and keeping customer deposits has risen, hurting profitability, and the value of the debt instruments on these companies’ books have fallen.

      The stress in the banking sector was promptly addressed by the U.S. Treasury, FDIC, and the Fed. They announced that uninsured depositors of failed banks would be made whole and by providing liquidity to banks via a special lending program. Importantly, these steps have quelled fears of contagion in the financial sector. For diversified investors, 2023’s banking crisis had a minimal impact on portfolios. Silicon Valley Bank represented just 0.04% of the Russell 3000 index at the end of February and the index was still up 7.18% for the quarter. As Nobel Prize laureate economist Harry Markowitz is attributed with saying: “Diversification is the only free lunch” in investing.

      Fixed Income Change

      Prior to 2022’s historic rise in rates, interest rates were very low for over a decade. It was uncertain when rates would increase, but odds were that rates were more likely to move up than further down. When interest rates rise, the value of bonds falls. For this reason, from its inception, Boardwalk had allocated 40% of fixed income investments to short-term bonds because they lose less value when rates rise. The remaining 60% of clients’ fixed income allocation was dedicated to intermediate term bonds, which earned higher yields in exchange for more risk of value fluctuation.

      In 2022, intermediate term bonds were down 13% (Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond Index) while short term bonds only lost 2.8% (FTSE World Gov. Bond Index 1-3 Years, hedged). Again, this happened because when rates rose, the underlying bonds within these indices lost value. The US 10-year Treasury Note was yielding about 1.5% to end 2021 and crossed above 4% in late 2022. Similarly, the US 2-year Treasury Note paid less than 1% in 2021 and hit a high of 5.03% on March 3, 2023. With the short-term bonds having accomplished their role in dampening the impact of a rise in rates, current intermediate-term yields at much more attractive levels, and considering the now lower likelihood of further rate increases, Boardwalk has made a strategic change to clients’ fixed income allocations. We have shifted half of clients’ short-term bonds into intermediate term bonds to lock in higher interest rates for a longer period of time.

      Finally, to end on a bright note: while rising rates do hurt bond prices in the short-term, over a longer period, higher rates are actually beneficial for investors and result in higher long-term returns in a diversified portfolio. The graphic below compares the growth in wealth between a static low interest rate environment (1% interest rates in blue) versus the trajectory of a higher interest rate. The hypothetical investor is far better off in the long run with higher interest rates even with the jarring negative value adjustment that occurs.

      Silicon Valley Bank Explained

      If you were not familiar with Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), it’s likely that you have heard about it now – and not in a good way. Unfortunately, SVB on Friday became the biggest bank to fail since the global financial crisis in 2008. Since then, the Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury, FDIC, and even larger banks stepped in to ensure liquidity, calm depositors, and stabilize markets. While it may be an appropriate time to revisit whether you have enough FDIC coverage for your money held at a bank (more on that later), the consensus view is that the overall banking system is well capitalized and has ample liquidity.

      So how did SVB fail? SVB held long-term bonds that had lost significant value as the Fed hiked rates. In order to meet withdrawals from its accounts, SVB had to sell these bonds at a loss. As the bank came under stress, more depositors withdrew funds. This required SVB to sell additional holdings at a loss – and the cycle fed on itself until regulators stepped in to close the bank down. The bank had a heavy concentration of start-up and technology-related firms among its depositors and customers. So not only did the bank suffer from tightening liquidity and rising rates, but its customer and depositor base did as well. This was a major contributor to why other banks have not experienced the dramatic bank run, and failure, that SVB did. Exposure to concentrated areas of the market have proved to be detrimental to other banks: Silvergate Capital and Signature Bank of New York recently shut down after their heavy participation in the crypto space caught up with them.

      Contagion is when a disturbance, like SVB failing, spreads within the financial system. Even during last week’s panic – and certainly after the reassuring announcements on Sunday – this risk is considered to be low. Why? SVB, Silvergate, and SBNY had concentrated exposure and limited entanglement with other financial institutions. This was unlike the large banks in the lead-up to the global financial crisis. In 2008, there was significant financial exposure between giant banks via complex securities, so one bank’s losses quickly turned into a threat for the whole industry.

      The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) ensures that depositors at banks will receive any insured funds. On Friday, depositors at SVB did not know whether they would recoup any of their money above the FDIC limits. Regulators have since stepped in to shore up confidence in the banking sector: all customers of the failed SVB have access to their money today and other banks that might experience heightened withdrawals will have easier access to liquidity (borrowing from the Federal Reserve).

      A Brief Review of FDIC Coverage

      While the FDIC, U.S. Treasury Department, and Federal Reserve have quickly stepped in to support depositors beyond the traditional FDIC limits and likely would do this for other banks that came under duress, there is no guarantee. As such, one step you could consider taking is to spread out any bank balances in excess of FDIC limits, if any, to other banks (or new account types at the same bank). See the below chart as a reminder of FDIC insurance limits. Remember that all of these limits below are per bank.

      Example 1: if Tim opens an individual account at five different banks, each of them is insured for up to $250k ($1.25M total).

      Example 2: if Tim has an individual account and a joint account with Jenny at the same bank, the individual account is insured for up to $250k and the joint account is insured for up to $500k for a total of $750k. They could replicate these accounts at a second bank and double their total FDIC coverage.

      Cash at TD Ameritrade and Schwab has always been allocated to a FDIC insured deposit account where the funds are held at one or more banks. These deposits are insured by the FDIC up to $250,000 per account, per bank.

      Please contact us if you have any questions about the SVB failure or restructuring your bank accounts to increase FDIC coverage.

      The Inflation Story

      When we look back at 2022, there will be plenty of material for the history books. Few, if any, predicted the size and scope of the declines and volatility seen this year. So, while it’s cliché, that is exactly why we emphasize time in the market rather than timing the market. It’s impossible to consistently move in and out of the market with good timing. Rather, investors are rewarded for taking on thoughtful risk within a diversified portfolio and sticking with that strategy despite years like this one.

      The Inflation Story

      For decades, we’ve been operating in a world with falling interest rates, low and steady inflation, globalization, and rapid technological progress. Technology and globalization have worked together to make the global economy more efficient, more stable, and more open. As such, inflation was low and stable, allowing policy makers and economies to enjoy low interest rates. The pandemic flipped everything upside down and interest rates have surged to counter the highest inflation in 40 years, as seen in the chart below from Morningstar. 2022’s ten Fed rate hikes (horizontal axis) moved the Fed funds rate higher by 4.5% (vertical axis).

      Higher interest rates seem to have helped dampen demand. Coupled with improving supply chains and falling food & gas prices, we’re moving in the right direction: December’s annualized inflation rate of 6.5% is a good deal below the June high of 9.1% here in the US. But it’s still a far cry from the Fed’s 2% target rate. The ongoing concern is whether the Fed’s delicate dance – raising rates enough to bring down inflation but not high enough to cause a serious recession – can be achieved.

      The uncertainty of inflation’s path and the economy’s resilience are reflected in asset prices, and it’s a big part of why 2022 has been difficult for investors. As we highlighted last quarter, Boardwalk is here to help our clients focus on meeting their short and long-term goals and stay invested through market turbulence. Evidenced by returns in 2021 and 2022, investors won’t ever receive the average return for a portfolio in a given year. But staying disciplined with a strategy will bring investors closer to the expected annual average return – and their goals – over time.

      Mean Reversion

      “Reversion to the mean” refers to the concept that statistical observations return to their average (mean). Take a coin toss for example – there could be a decent stretch of heads or tails (the Guinness World Record is 8 head tosses in a row). But if you flipped a coin enough times it’s extremely likely that the rate of occurrences for either side would revert towards 50%. In investing, this phenomenon is called “mean reversion” and it’s the theory that returns, prices, growth, etc. move back towards their long run average after experiencing a period above or below that trend line.

      It’s a powerful force. At times, there is a systemic shift in the data that would cause the long-term future trend to be meaningfully different than in the past. However, when the “this time is different” assertion arises, history tells us that it’s usually not different – it’s just that mean reversion hasn’t occurred yet. Let’s look at two examples of this in investing.

      Our 2021 year-end commentary featured the wide gap between valuations for the growth style of investing verses its value style counterpart. 2022 proved to be a year of significant mean reversion. Global value stocks had their largest outperformance since 2000, coming out ahead by 21%. This has certainly helped our recommended holdings, given their value tilt.

      The cyclicality of performance leadership between US and international stocks could point towards another area of the markets that’s ripe for mean reversion. Looking back at the last 10 years, US stocks returned 12.1% per year through the end of last year while international stocks lagged with a 4.6% annual return for US investors. That great stretch for US stocks came after the S&P 500 had a “lost decade” between 2000-2009 – it lost money while international stocks dominated. Currency returns impact international stock returns for US investors, and we’ve recently had a period with a very strong US dollar. The last time it was this strong was in the early 2000s and a weakening dollar during the rest of that decade produced a tailwind for international stock returns. Heading into 2022, valuations were also stacked in international stocks’ favor. As the dollar began to weaken in the fourth quarter of 2022, international stocks returned 16.2% compared to 7.6% for large US stocks. This doesn’t mean we should abandon US stocks all of a sudden. We think that maintaining both US and international diversification makes the best use of the global opportunity set over the long run, regardless of which area has had better performance recently.

      Looking Back To Look Ahead

      As we begin 2023, no one knows how markets will fare. Inflation and economic growth will likely persist as headlines. And while corporate earnings and households have been able to hold up against rising rates and record inflation, many expect this year to reveal the “lagged” impact of these forces. Most economists are expecting a recession within the next two years. The equity and bond markets are forward looking, however, so the current probability of these risks is factored in. Better-than-expected news could usher in strong portfolio returns even amid deteriorating conditions.

      Looking back at 60% stock/40% bond portfolio returns since 1926 shows that the years after a 10%+ drawdown often post strong positive performance (data compiled by Dimensional Fund Advisors). Of course, we construct our recommended 60/40 portfolios to include much more than just the S&P 500 and US Treasuries, but that’s the typical mix that Wall Street references. That 60/40 portfolio was down 14% in 2022.

      Patience and discipline can be in short supply when investors experience rough waters. But that’s also when future expected returns are often at their highest. Looking backward at the stellar returns exiting a market crash, investors habitually remark that they wished they maintained their stock holdings or even added cash to their portfolios when down. However, in the midst of a pandemic or global financial crisis it can be very difficult to do so. Despite the uncertainty ahead, we believe this bear market will eventually prove to be a similar opportunity for disciplined, long-term investors.

      We know maintaining peace of mind after a year like 2022 is easier said than done and we’re here to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.